
Five LABASAD students win an award at the 2024 ADF-FAD Laus

Congratulations to Jocelyn Vázquez, Marta Nieto, Cristina Domínguez, Ignacio Martínez and Marco Garcés, as they have been awarded by ADG-FAD Laus 2024.

All the projects of our students were highlighted among hundreds of projects made by students from design and advertising schools around the country, to be recognised in different categories such as advertising, digital, audiovisual and aporta.

In the Publicity category, Jocelyn Vázquez, student of the Máster Online en Ilustración Editorial y Publicitaria, presents her final project “Más allá de los libros” 

Project “Más allá de los libros” .
Project “Más allá de los libros” - Jocelyn-Vázquez
Project “Más allá de los libros” - Jocelyn-Vázquez
Project “Más allá de los libros” - Jocelyn-Vázquez

The purpose of the “Más allá de los libros” campaign is to promote activities offered by public libraries and encourage encounters within the Community of Madrid, through the development of advertising posters that illustrate the different workshops or activities. The challenge of this project was to create images that speak to children, adolescents and adults without appearing childish, that’s why Jocelyne lands in a familiar and attractive language for all, drawing characters in a complex composition to invite the viewer to take a closer look.

In the audiovisual category, Marta Nieto is the standout in the awards with her project “New Edge Studio” which she created within the Máster  Online en Motion Graphics.

Project "New Edge Studio" - Marta Nieto

This project consisted of the creation of an audiovisual advertising campaign for the Bloom Capsule collection of the children’s clothing brand New Edge Studio, which represents the freshness, fun and characteristic colours of the brand. Marta with her project brought a fresh and unconventional approach, bringing different styles, colours and ethnicities. It is a project that encourages diversity to shine and fears to be left behind, contributing to a more colourful world full of opportunities for children.

Another of the categories where two of our students will be awarded is that of Digital, Marcos Garcés with his project “Stacked Tracks” and, Ignacio Martínez with his project “Dada”, both students of the Máster Online en Diseño Gráfico Avanzado.

Marcos Garcés, with his “Stacked Tracks” App project, seeks to help users organise, score, register and visualise their music library. It allows, for the first time, music consumers to visualise this data in a dynamic and consolidated way. The objective is to offer the user a unique, personalised and visually attractive experience

Project “Stacked Tracks” - Marcos Garcés
Project “Stacked Tracks” - Marcos Garcés
Project “Stacked Tracks” - Marcos Garcés
Project “Stacked Tracks” - Marcos Garcés

The graphic system follows the visual concept of the discs or tapes stacked in a collection. This extends not only to the interface but to other applications external to the app itself.

On the other hand, Ignacio Martínez developed his project “Dada”, an application aimed at people interested in literature, creativity and art. Dada is inspired by the Dadaist theory of the beginning of the 20th century, the objective of this project is to encourage daily writing, but not any type of writing, automatic writing, how? Writing 100 words in a minute. The results of that minute are implausible, surreal texts, impossible to predict and imagine in advance.

Project “Dada” - Ignacio Martínez
Project “Dada” - Ignacio Martínez

Lastly, in the Contribution category, Cristina Domínguez will be awarded for her project “Alison” which was developed within the Máster Online en Diseño Web y App: UX/UI.

Cristina created this App to promote social responsibility, the presence of women as autonomous and creative, willing to break moulds and rules.


Proyect “Alison” - Cristina Domínguez
Project “Alison” - Cristina Domínguez
Project “Alison” - Cristina Domínguez
Project “Alison” - Cristina Domínguez

Alison is an app whose objective is to promote the consumption of a more egalitarian fiction. It acts as a movie search engine and has a very present informative area. It also has a checker to find out if a work is Female Friendly or not. Although it is not a streaming platform, there is a user profile suitable for managing content.

For all our students, this recognition by ADG-FAD Laus has been a great boost for their professional careers, and they all feel proud and lucky to be awarded such well-known prizes in the design sector. Again, our most sincere congratulations! We are proud of everyone.

Do you want to learn how to make incredible projects and be recognised at the Laus awards? Do you want to know more about all our Masters? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.