Zuzanna Wasążnik

Graphic designer

I have always known I wanted to be a graphic designer. I graduated with a BA in Graphic Design & Art Direction from NABA in Milan and later pursued an Online Master in Graphic and Digital Design at LABASAD. My year at LABASAD was especially transformative, helping me evolve and become more conscious as a creator.

Design holds the unique power to convey impactful messages and shape public opinion. As Robert L. Peters once said, “Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.” Design is a potent tool for addressing social, environmental, and cultural issues. I believe that as designers, we have a responsibility to raise awareness and spark important conversations.

I’m grateful to LABASAD and my teachers for giving me the tools and freedom to express my ideas visually and find my own voice. This experience has deepened my commitment to using design to drive positive change in the world.

Gallery of student projects