Tanit Plana


She believes in portraiture and fluid ways of documenting, where truth lies in the mutability of facts and the documentary power of fiction. Her interests revolve around the reproduction of the species, the forms love takes, and the vast matrix that is the internet. The ecosystem of grants and awards allows her to research and produce regularly, having received the Leonardo BBVA Grant (2016), BCN Crea (2020), Propuestas Vegap (2021), and Arte for Change by Fundación La Caixa (2022), among others. Some of her projects have been exhibited at Sala Canal de Isabel II in Madrid (2019), Auditori de Barcelona (2021), La Virreina Centre de la Imatge in Barcelona (2021), and the Antoni Tàpies Foundation (2023). Her relationship with the pedagogy of the image has been a constant over time.