Julia Fritz: A leading figure in contemporary marquetry, furniture creation, and restoration, now expanding her knowledge at LABASAD
From her evolution in marquetry to furniture design, Julia inspires us by sharing how the Online Master's in Interior Decoration in Spanish at LABASAD broadened her perspective.
Since childhood, Julia Fritz has been drawn to wood, architecture, and interior decoration. She grew up in a picturesque village near Düsseldorf, Germany, in a 1970s-style bungalow, where her mother paid close attention to decorative details. “We had many Danish pieces with clean lines in oak or pine, combined with materials such as leather, rattan, and marble. These memories have deeply influenced my career,” shares Julia. Her love for decoration became tangible whenever she transformed her room or created “caves and huts” in the forest with her friends.
At 17, a trip to the United States expanded her vision. “From that moment on, I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to the creative world of decoration,” Julia recalls. After studying cabinetmaking, she moved to Barcelona, where she specialized in the restoration of historical pieces. Among her most notable works was the restoration of the Sirens Room at the Hotel España and the altarpiece of the Durro church, two emblematic pieces of architectural heritage:
“Touching ancient pieces with such history is indescribable. While restoring them, you imagine how they were designed and created. I always wonder what each piece would say if it could speak”