Looking back at 2024: A Year at LABASAD

Today we say goodbye to 2024, a year of achievements and growth at LABASAD, which has brought about a positive transformation and a great boost for all.
We have launched a total of 6 new Online Master’s programmes in both English and Spanish. We have added to our Spanish language offerings the Máster Online en Libro Ilustrado y Cómic and the Máster Online en CGI con Inteligencia Artificial. In English, we have introduced the Online Master in New Documentary Photography, the Online Master in Principles of Graphic Design, the Online Master in Art Direction, and the Online Master in Brand Design.
Our network of students continues to grow, and we have welcomed countless students from around the world. Additionally, we have organised in-person activities with students through LABASAD’s In Real Life (IRL) programme. We visited two studios: Fuego Camina Conmigo, where our teacher, Natalia Carranza from the Máster Online en Diseño Web y App: UX/UI, as a Cultural Strategist at Fuego, explained the challenges of communication and advertising and how they deal with them. The other studio we visited with IRL was FEels Like, where our teacher from the Máster Online en Diseño Web y App: UX/UI, Oriol Castellar, and his team showed us what they do and how they do it uniquely.
We also had the privilege of attending the Getxophoto Festival and participating in the special MAPS section for invited schools, alongside four students from the Online Master’s in New Documentary Photography. Thanks to MAPS, new synergies were created between students from various photography schools across the peninsula.

The introduction of new workshops and Artificial Intelligence Masterclasses has been one of the major changes in our study programmes. The workshops are integrated into the Master’s programmes, and the AI workshops can be taken optionally and free of charge for all students interested in delving deeper into AI and applying it to their creative processes.
We have conducted different Masterclasses with professionals, such as the Masterclass on Flexible Visual Systems with Martin Lorenz, Words that Bloom: Illustrative Lettering with Gemma O’Brien, and Thinking Like Human with AI with Thing Truong.
At LABASAD, we continue working to gain recognition for the work of our students, and this is reflected in the awards they have received. This year, 5 of our students were honoured at the Laus Awards 2024. Vanes García, a student from the Máster Online en Diseño Estratégico de Packaging, was awarded both gold and silver at the Pentawards for her project Gozo, and María del Mar González, a student from the Máster Online en Diseño de Producto, received recognition at the LAMP Awards, among many others. Additionally, the new LABASAD website has also been awarded a LAUS prize.
Once again, our students have participated in projects such as El Proyector and El Gran Proyector of the Foto Colectania Foundation, as well as Els Llums de Nadal Il·luminen el Comerç by the Barcelona Centre de Disseny, with special recognition as winners of the Eix Maragall for the Ortopedia Ortogan windows display. Congratulations to our students Isabel Amorós, Júlia Martí, Cristina Gil, and Daniel Plasencia.

Not only have there been changes in the Online Master’s programmes, but there has also been a remodel of our office, led by Anna Ordi, Interior Designer at Denys Von Arend and a teacher in the Máster Online en Diseño de Interiores de LABASAD. Who better than our specialist teacher in office spaces to carry out this project? The new office is brighter, with more plants and more space ready to welcome over 10 new members to the LABASAD staff.

The second edition of LABASAD FEST! was a great success, bringing together over 250 students, professors, and staff from LABASAD across different countries, all sharing the same passion for design and creativity.
This has been LABASAD’s 2024. Will you join us in 2025?