Carmen Dusmet

Visual Artist & Independent Garphic Designer

As an independent graphic designer, Carmen specializes in editorial and web design, identities, and moving images. Her work as a visual artist delves into time-based media like video, audio, and text, embodying the persona of an unreliable narrator. Her creations, blending autobiographical elements with theoretical research, challenge our perception of memory, dreams, and inner dialogue. She co-founded Home Cinema in 2020, a project aimed at enriching the international moving image scene. Alongside her artistic endeavours, she contributes to education through teaching, lectures, workshops, and mentoring. Her work has been showcased at prominent venues such as Art Rotterdam, Trixie (Den Haag), Cas-co (Leuven), and screened at various film festivals worldwide, including The Hague Film Festival and Ficnova Bienal España.