Yago Soria Díaz: documentary photography as a tool for exploration and reflection

Through his lens, Yago Soria Díaz, photographer and LABASAD student, transforms the everyday into a reflection on globalisation, identity, and our way of observing the world.
In a world saturated with images, where the speed of visual consumption threatens to erode the meaning of careful observation, Yago Soria Díaz, student of LABASAD’s Online Master in New Documentary Photography, has found in documentary photography a language for exploration, reflection, and making realities visible. His career reflects a constant quest to understand the world through the viewfinder of his camera.
Originally from Mallorca but with a life shaped by travel and exploration, Soria Díaz has lived and worked in diverse contexts such as the Dominican Republic and China. However, as he himself states, beyond geographical changes, his interest lies in reinterpreting everyday elements. “My interest always stems from the same place: taking something recognisable, a visual cliché, or a symbol deeply rooted in the collective imagination and subjecting it to a process of reinterpretation,” he explains. This approach has enabled him to develop a perspective that transcends simple documentation, becoming a tool for analysis and reconfiguring what is considered visible.
For Soria Díaz, the camera is much more than a technical instrument; it is a mechanism for connecting with his surroundings. “When I travel, it helps me avoid feeling like a tourist. Instead, it puts me on a kind of mission, an assignment that compels me to genuinely connect with the place,” he comments. In his experience, photography not only captures what is in front of the lens but also redefines the author’s relationship with space, allowing him to discover new layers of meaning in the seemingly ordinary.

One of his most notable works is Chasing Dragons, a project that employs a Chinese cultural symbol to address themes of globalisation and hyper-consumption. Consciously, Soria Díaz chooses to start with a superficial perspective and, through the photographic process, gradually uncover deeper complexities. “I couldn’t tackle complex cultural themes when my vision of this country had been built on clichés,” he admits. His strategy was to accept this initial limitation and allow the visual narrative to develop progressively, avoiding simplistic assumptions and exploring symbolism from within.
This project has been pivotal in his growth as a visual storyteller and has led to the creation of his first photobook. Thanks to his experience in the LABASAD master’s programme and the mentorship of Toni Amengual, he has learned to define his photographic discourse and understand that “giving form means reducing options.” Working with designers and receiving external feedback has helped him strengthen his confidence and view his work from new perspectives.

In an era where the image has become common currency, Soria Díaz reflects on the relevance of documentary photography. “Perhaps by renouncing the concept of success, questioning why you take photos, dedicating yourself to something else if necessary, and thinking long-term,” he suggests. His vision does not focus on immediacy or instant validation but on the construction of solid and meaningful narratives over time.
Looking ahead, his interest is directed towards stories rich in emotion and depth, such as youth football, a theme that fascinates him due to the blend of innocence, passion, and pressure surrounding the children involved. “I’m interested in capturing those gestures, the locker rooms filled with nerves, the rituals before stepping onto the pitch, the thrill of scoring a goal, and the frustration of losing,” he says.

The experience at LABASAD has been fundamental in shaping him as a photographer:
“The Online Master’s in New Documentary Photography has given me a much clearer vision of today’s photographic landscape.”
From discovering new references to applying his knowledge in concrete projects, the master’s programme has provided him with the necessary tools to consolidate his personal vision.
For those considering studying documentary photography, his advice is clear: “If this is your passion and you believe you are at a point where you can develop your own perspective, this master’s is worth it.” Yago Soria Díaz exemplifies how photography can be an exercise in exploration, an act of love, and a means of inscribing meaning in a constantly evolving world.
If you would like to learn more about LABASAD and our Master’s programmes, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We’re here to help you take the next step in your professional career.